3 Hours Trapped in the past

>> Sunday, November 20, 2011

Dated August 4, 1951, the dawn had not yet dawned. Roared the sea by the waves that hit patter reefs in coastal areas Puys, France.

Quiet and peaceful dawn. But the day was turned into a frightening experience for the two British female tourists who were vacationing at Puys.

Puys, a seaside village near the port of Dieppe in Normandy, France becomes an alternative tourist sites overlooking the beach, shoals, reefs and cliffs. Romance for some people who like the sea. This led the two female tourists were choosing a vacation spot Puys autumn. But it's a vacation experience unforgettable memories for them.

Dawn that day, two female tourists were woken by the sound gaduhnya heavy fire. The voice was getting stronger with a more intense barrage of gunfire followed by screams and cries of a very chaotic, and then heard the hum of a number of bombers, bombs, mortar fire and gunfire, screams ... Both are absurdly shocked. They now seemed to be in the midst of heavy fighting.

Sound by the sound of battle was still echoed and heard clearly by them. But they did not dare to budge out of his room. Just lie down and hide the fear in the corner. Body shivering from the sound of gunfire and explosions that sometimes sounded very close, or the sounds typical of the military command in English and German, screaming in pain, and sobs.

For approximately three hours they heard clearly all the sounds of battle out there. Until finally the horrible voices grew fainter ... vague ... and lost! The crash of waves hit the rocks again sounded muffled. Dawn was breaking.

After menenangkandiri, they then ventured out of the room. With their timid peek out the window. The scene outside the normal. Nothing marks a new battle at all. Only the house, reefs, beaches, trees ... the atmosphere hariandi Puys.

Both then wonder to some people who are in dkat there, whether they heard the sounds of battle just now? All just shook his head with a puzzled face. There was no noise of any let alone the sound of gunfire and bombs. An elderly local resident said there were no new battle in Normandy after D-Day "Operation Overlord" (1945) and Operation Jubilee (1942). The grandfather explained that the Port of Dieppe, Puys and Pourville is the landing point of the joint forces of the Allies (Britain, Canada, USA and Poland) in Operation Jubille August 19, 1942.

So, what actually happened? These two British tourists did not understand. They are very confident that what they heard was a battle that even though they could see. In the confusion, they then make a report to local authorities about the phenomenon. At first the report was ignored, but eventually a special institution in the UK interested in it.

Detail is astonishing
British Society of Psychical Research who later did some research and study of the phenomenon. They are very confident that what is experienced by two British female tourists were part of the unresolved mysteries of nature. But they had assumed, probably both have been stuck in a "twitch time". Such a phenomenon of the opening of the energy portals in a place that allows people to feel what has happened in the past. Really?

It may be true. Because research on women's reports of events did show similarities with real events in Puys in the title Operation Jubilee, the Allied combat operations in the Normandy landings to beat the entrenched Germans in France on August 19, 1942. The operation failed and later became an important consideration for the title of the next combat operations "Operation Overlord" D-Day June 6, 1945 the successful domination of the German defeat in France.

Evidence of the truth of the second story tourists accuracy was evidenced by a check against the data archive kros military secrets that were never published. The result is a large number of equations persitiwa astonishing of all parties.

Although there were two women know the story of Operation Jubilee at Dieppe from much of the literature at that time, they will not get important details as listed in the secret archives of the military. But in reality they expose data detail that is almost exactly the same as the military archives.

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