Flatwoods Monster: a strange creature from Braxton

>> Sunday, November 20, 2011

A recent photo taken from surveillance cameras showed the existence of a forest creature in a forest in the territory of Virginia, the United States. Could a creature that is in the photo is the "Flatwoods Monster" which was first seen in 1952?

Virginia is an area where a mysterious creature sightings are often reported. Starting from the Mothman, thunder bird, Bigfoot, strange creatures unknown to UFO. One day, a man named Frederick B Gerwig send this photo to Cryptomundo.com along with a letter. The photograph was immediately circulated widely on the Internet and sparked a long debate.

Flatwoods Monster

"This is a photograph of my father obtained from a forest surveillance cameras installed around July 2005. We are not sure with what was seen in the photo, but apparently did not like humans at all. Maybe the creature is a hunter or the other. Yet my father has put a ban sign into protected forest areas that are within about 400 yards from Braxton County, West Virginia so that a hunter may not enter into the territory. The proportion of the creature's body is so strange when compared with humans. Maybe this is a hoax of light. Of course we also want to know what exactly is so visible in the photo. "

The camera used was a cheap camera to prevent theft by people who are not responsible. Mr. Gerwig has sent the images to a variety of researchers to be consulted.

please note that the Braxton County, West Virginia is the location of reports of sightings of a creature dubbed the Braxton County Flatwoods Monster aka Monster aka the Green Monster.

The story begins on the date of 12 September 1952 at 7:15 at night, two brothers named Edward and Fred May and a friend named Tommy Hyer (respectively 13.12 and 10-year-old) witnessed a bright object across the sky. Objects were then landed on land owned by a farmer named G. Bailey Fisher. They immediately reported the sighting to their parents who immediately organized a group of people to investigate further.

After they arrived at the farm, they saw an object like a huge ball of fire as high as 1.5 meters. When they direct their flashlights, they saw a strange creature that emits a loud and noisy. The creature was gliding toward them, but then changed direction and disappeared. The group ran back in terror. After that day, there are several reports received by the sheriff of the public who claims to have met with a similar creature.

After the apparition, the area is filled with the smell of burning for days. But traces of the creature was never seen again. What happened next is even stranger is that everyone who encountered the creature has become ill with symptoms of sore throat, skin irritation and vomiting. The doctors said that the symptoms are similar to the symptoms of gas poisoning people.

Is the creature in the photo Flatwoods Monster? Of course the creature in a way very different from the photo illustration of the witnesses who encountered Flatwoods Monster, so maybe it was the one creature to another. But if we rule out the theory, I have an alternative theory. Try to See the ground around the tree in the photo. soil showed a red-colored leaves. It is possible that a piece of red leaf falls from a tree and photographed by the camera. By coincidence enough lighting, it creates an image Braxton Beast.

But of course I mentioned is a theory. There are still other possibilities .... the picture above is actually the legendary Monster of Braxton.

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