10 strange phenomenon that occurs in the human mind

>> Wednesday, December 7, 2011

10. Deja vu

de javu

Deja vu is a certain kind of experience will be an ongoing thing where you have experienced it or seen it before the new situation - you feel as though the event has occurred or is being repeated.
The experience is usually accompanied by strong feelings such as are familiar with and a feeling of horror, foreign, or strange. Experience "previously" is usually associated with dreams, but occasionally there is a definite feeling that it's already happened in the past.

9. Deja Vecu
Deja vecu (Read Deya vay-koo) is what is experienced by many people when they think they are experiencing deja vu. Deja vu is the feeling of having seen something before, whereas déjà vecu is the experience of having seen an event before,
but only in great detail - such as recognizing smells and sounds. It is also usually accompanied by an intense feeling for knowledge something that will come later. Experience that has ever happened - not only know what's coming next - but also able to tell people around what is to come, and usually it is true. This is very strange and sensations that can not be
is described.

8. Deja visite
Deja visite is an experience that few people experience in which involves a knowledge of magic going somewhere new. For example, you may never know the trails in a new city, you want to attend or view though never been there before, and you believe it is impossible to have
knowledge about it. If Deja visite of geographic relationships and space, while Deja Vecu is about the events of the time. Nathaniel Hawthorne wrote about an experience like this in his book "Our Old Home" where he visited a ruined castle and have complete knowledge about the floor plan layout. He was then able to trace the experience in a
poem written by Alexander Pope had read several years later. The poem describes the state of the fort was accurately exactly as he knows.

7. Deja inches
Deja inches is the phenomenon of something ever felt. It is exclusively a mental phenomenon and seldom settle in your mind after that. In the words of the people after the experience is: "What is of concern is what has been observed previously, and was already known, but was forgotten for a while, and now feel satisfied as if it had been recalled. Ability
remember it always starts with the voice of others, or by the words of my own mind, or with what I read and the words of the soul. I think as long as the situation is not normal I speak in general a few simple sentences such as Oh, yes. I understand, of course, I remember, and others, only one or two minutes later I can recall it all, with no need of words and thoughts expressed by the tongue to create memories. I just get that feeling is similar to what has been felt before in such abnormal conditions.
You think just saying it, but you also realize that in fact did not utter a word.

6. Jamais Vu
Jamais vu (never seen) is described as a situation had never known but can not recognize.
It is often regarded as the opposite of deja vu and induce a feeling of horror and fear. You do not recognize a situation even though you know rationally that you've been in that situation before. Generally it can be explained when one person does not recognize a few moments, words, or a place that is actually already knew. It makes people believe that the Jamais vu is a kind of symptom of brain fatigue.

5. Presque Vu
Presque vu is often expressed with the words, "seemed to have at the tip of the tongue" - is a strong feeling that you will get a hint or inspiration of what is forgotten, but it never came. The term "presque vu" means "close look". Sensation of presque vu can greatly disrupt the feelings and thoughts, and often people had gone to bed he made.

4. L esprit de l'Escalier
L'esprit de l'escalier (staircase jokes at home) is the sense to think of a clever children when it was too late to be submitted. The expression can be used to describe the children are quick to insult, or any of your comments smart and witty, although his arrival was no longer useful terlambatdan likened us to think when it was on the stairs to leave an event.
A word of German treppenwitz used for the same purpose. The closest expression in English to describe this situation is "being wise after the event or to be wise after the event.
The event is usually accompanied by feelings of regret for not thought of before to give an immediate reply comments as needed. But it might be wise if we think that it might be merunyamkan response relationship. God menyintai who are patient and refrain.

3. Capgras Delusion
Capgras delusion is the phenomenon where a person believes that a close friend or family has changed its identity as a fraud. This is related to the ancient belief that babies have been stolen and replaced by a fairy child kidnapper in the fairy tales in medieval times, as well as a modern fantasy about aliens or aliens who take over the body of the people on earth to be their allies.
This delusion is found most commonly in patients with diseased souls, but did not rule it also has messed your mind.

2. Fregoli Delusion
Fregoli Delusion is a rare brain phenomenon, in which a person believes that people who are different, are really the same person in disguise. It is often associated with paranoia and the belief that the person posing it is trying to persecute him. The condition is named after the Italian actor, Leopoldo Fregoli which is famous for its ability to transform themselves rapidly during his acting appearances. The first report in 1927 in a case study on a 27-year-old woman who believes she is being persecuted by two actors who are often seen in a theater. He believed that these people are "constantly chasing him with a shapeshifter like the people he knew.

1. Prosopagnosia
Prosopagnosia is a phenomenon in which a person is unable to recognize faces of people or objects that should have been known. People who experience this disorder are usually able to use any other feeling to recognize the people, like the smell of perfume person, form or style of hair, voice, or even their gait. A classic case of this mess was published in a book published in 1998 and
never displayed in the form of Michael Nyman opera titled "The Man Who mistook his wife for a hat or a person who mistakenly be his wife because of his hat.
We have some experience of feeling, which comes to us for a moment, from what we say, done after the said or done before, in a long time ago - from the things around us, in the form of the past, with the faces of the same , objects, and circumstances - of our perfect knowledge of what will be said later, as if we suddenly remember it! - Charles Dickens

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