Benefits Cana Flowers

>> Friday, December 2, 2011

This plant is classified as outside plant with the Latin name Canna indica. These plants usually grow in forests and mountains although not infrequently used as ornamental plants in the yard and garden town, because it has a stunning flower. And behind the charm teryata kana flowers of different colors have healing power that ordinary luarrr. Flowers or flower tasbeh kana came from the tropics of the Americas. These plants are capable of living in the plains to an altitude of 1000 m above sea level. This plant grows large, upright, with the high reaching two meters. This plant has a thick rhizome resembles a yam. The leaves are large and wide, pinnate clear. They were green or red tengguli. The flowers are large with bright colors, like red, pink, and yellow are arranged in the form of bunches.

These plants in Australia known as a producer of flour. Rhizome of sweet taste and is cool to make the tuber as conditioning, reliever fever, urinary laxative, sedative and lowers blood pressure. While the flowers are hemostatis. While the leaves contain tannin and sulfur. And according to Mangan Yellia a herbalist in Jakarta rhizome tasbeh interest is better than the betel leaf to eliminate the discharge.

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