Worst Technology Predictions

>> Saturday, December 3, 2011

Even great men can be wrong in making a statement. Especially when they make predictions about future conditions. Recently the T3 gadget magazine sort the list of people who predict the future of technology, but it proved completely wrong. Who are they?


Microsoft founder Bill Gates, to be one of them. Men who had just retired this year from Microsoft was indeed often makes controversial predictions. But, 'sin' is toughest is when in 1981, he predicted that none of those who will require more computer memory capacity of 640 KB.

In fact, almost all computers today provides the memory capacity of at least 512 megabytes, or nearly one thousand times more than predicted Gates. Not only that, T3 also catenate 'sin' next Bill Gates, while at the World Economic Forum 2004 said that, "two years from now the problem of spam would be solved,".

So, from now on do not necessarily believe in the predictions of people, even from people who are famous.

List of Worst Technology Predictions of All Time

1. iPod will be finished - Sir Alan Sugar, the British billionaire (2005)

2. No need to use a computer at home - Ken Olsen, founder of Digital Equipment Corp. (1977)

3. "Nuclear-powered vacuum cleaners will probably be realized in the next ten years" - Alex Lewyt, President of Lewyt Corp. (vacuum cleaner company)

4. "TV will not last because people will soon get bored staring at the wooden box every night" - Daryl Zanuck (1946)

5. "There will be no bigger aircraft (Boeing 247)" - Boeing engineer, shortly after the first flight of Boeing 247 is capable of loading 10 people (1933)

6. "We are now in the border rocket mail (mail that is sent via rocket)" - U.S. Postmaster General (DG kind to the United States Postal) Sumerfield Arthur (1959)

7. No one will require more computer memory than 640 MB - Bill Gates (1981)

8. "The United States does need a phone. But the English did not need it, we've got a lot of energy transmitter of letters "- Sir Milliam Preece, chief engineer of the British Post Office (1878)

9. Spam problem will be resolved within two years - Bill Gates (2004)

10. "The X-rays will prove to be only a hoax" - Lord Kevin,
President of the Royal Society (1883)

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