Facts About Women Who Should Know By The Male

>> Tuesday, November 22, 2011

cute women

1. Women are creatures who love to "snack". Because, in their nggapan, stores, shops, malls, supermarkets, or the market is the place where they like to feel controlled (buktina when they are very "lost control" on the spot).

2. Women really like everything that is "a bargain". So, the question of 'whether it is needed' is irrelevant. For them, everything is sold and offered like a game that's fun and fair.

3. Women basically have nothing to wear. so, do not ask about the clothes rack in the closet, you "just have no idea why".

4. Women need to cry. And they will not cry unless they know that you can hear it.

5. Women will always ask about something that has no definitive answer. This is their attempt to make you feel guilty.

6. Women need to talk. So, they will always talk, talk, ngacapruk eyebrows, because silence or shut up so painful for them, although they are in fact no one wanted to talk about.

7. Women need to feel that there are others who are 'bad' from them. That's why events such as the Oprah Winfrey Show was very successful.

8. Women do not want sex for male desire. This is because sex is more physical for men, and is emotional for them. So, just by knowing that men want sex with them, their sexual needs or desires are fulfilled.

9. Women do not like insects. Even the strongest woman was always in need of men next to them if there are insects that emerge.

10. Women can not keep a secret. Because it's as if they were cut off from the inside. Significantly, as they felt that it was not a 'sin' when talking about the secret to one or two people.

11. Women always want to appear in groups in public. Because, it gives them a chance to gossip.

12. Women never could bear to not answer the phone, whatever they were doing. Telephone because they considered it as a lottery and their announcement is the winner (haha ...).

13. Women have never understood why men like toys. Being a man is well aware that they do not need a 'toy' when other women have the 'on / off'.

14. Women will think that all sense of 'beer' is the same.

15. Women will save three different kinds of shampoos and conditioners are two types in their bathroom.

16. After the women's bathroom, do not be surprised if the bathroom will smell like 'tropical forests'.

17. Women do not understand the 'attractiveness' sport. Men will find entertainment as an opportunity to escape from reality. Being of women looking for entertainment to remind them how 'things' can be dangerous.

18. When the man went for 7 day trip, then they would bring clothes for five days and will wear the same clothes for several days. But when women go for a 7 day trip, then they would bring clothes for 21 days. This is because they do not know that they will feel what they wear every day.

19. Women will have their hair when going to bed.

20. Notice how the woman eating ice cream, then you will know how they are in bed.

21. Women will be paid (paid) less than men, except in the modeling world.

22. Women never 'wrong'. And apologizing is the duty of men. Hmm .. who actually seducing Adam ate the apple ..?

23. Women do not know anything about cars, unless required car manufacturers to advertising.

24. Women have a better bed and orderly compared to men. Because they think in their wildest dreams would be adored.

25. The average number of items in the women's bathroom is 437. Men will not be able to understand Brang-goods.

26. Women will say that they liked the cute animals like cats. The man also said the same, but when not in front of woman, she will kick him.

27. Women really like talking on the telephone. They can stay at a friend for two weeks, and then when returning home, they'll call friends for 3 hours.

28. Women will tidy up their suits (primp) when going out to shop, watering plants, cleaning the garage, to answer the phone, reading a book, or even open the letter.

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