Contents of the book Dismantling Cikeas Octopus

>> Tuesday, November 22, 2011

This book was written by George Junus Aditjondro. Full title: Dismantling Cikeas Octopus, Behind the Bank Century case. Launched on Wednesday (23/12) in Yogya. On Saturday (26/12), a book that was circulated through a network of Scholastic Book Store is withdrawn from circulation.

"Is the temporary capital, amounting to Rp 6.7 trillion was there a leak or not as intended? Even grew a rumor, rumor, or specifically slander, saying that some of the funds was designed to flow into the Democratic campaign fund and Candidate SBY; slander that it is cruel and very painful ....

The extent to which the managers of the Bank Century criminal act prosecuted, including how to end the temporary capital funds that can be returned to the country? "

That's a bit of a question of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) in his speech on Monday evening, 23 November 2009, responding to the recommendation of the eight that have been established by the President himself, to overcome the confidence crisis that exploded in the homeland, after the two leaders of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK ) - Seeds S Ryanto and Chandra M Hamzah - named as a suspect case of bans and abuse of authority, on Tuesday, September 15, and detained by the Police Headquarters, on Thursday, October 29, 2009.

Perhaps, unwittingly by SBY himself, his statement is so defensive in counteracting the link between conflict versus the Police Commission with Century Bank scandal, like opening Pandora's box that previously somewhat obscured by the drama that in layman's language became popular with the nickname drama against the alligator lizard.

Indeed, the play, so suck up public attention to the figures Anggodo Widjojo, who was nicknamed "the prospective Chief of Police" or "New Police Chief", quite successfully divert public attention from the scandal of Bank Century, a failed bank that received an injection of funds amounting to Rp 6.7 trillion from Deposit Insurance Corporation (LPS), far exceeding the $ 1.3 trillion approved DPR.

Besides being a diversionary smokescreen alias issue, Bibit and Chandra detention by the Police Headquarters can be interpreted as an attempt to prevent the Commission dismantle the Bank Century scandal that, in cooperation with the State Audit Board (BPK).

You see, the investigation of the Bank Century case had been pushed KPK (Batam Pos, August 31, 2009). While the CPC is also currently examining the inclusion of public funds in the bank, at the request of the DPR-RI pre-2009 elections.

From a variety of reports in the media and the internet, the name of two of the largest customers of Bank Century has come to the surface, namely Hartati Mudaya, leader of the CCM (Central Copyright Mudaya) and Sampoerna, one of the successor of the Sampoerna family, which save trillions of dollars in the bank's since 1998.

Before the Bank Century was taken over by LPS, Sampoerna, a grandson of the founder of PT HM Sampoerna cigarette factory, Liem Seng Thee, still has deposits amounting to Rp Rp 1 895 billion in November 2008, while deposits Hartati Murdaya around Rp 321 billion.

Both are contributors to logistics SBY in the last election. Some other big fish are depositan PTPN Edinburgh, Social Security, and PT Sinar Mas. Sampoerna's own, still managed to save most of their deposits worth U.S. $ 18 million, thanks to the help of letters of recommendation and Head of Criminal Investigation (Criminal Investigation) Police Headquarters that time, the Commissioner General (Pol) Susno Duadji, dated 7 and 17 April 2009 (Rusly 2009 : Haque, 2009;, 25 Febr 2009; ABC News, 10 Ag. 2009;, Sept. 14. 2009; Forum for Justice, 29 November 2009: 14).


What is the relevance of this information with family Cikeas?

Sampoerna's suspected to be "one of the backers of SBY, including by publishing a newspaper" (Rusly 2009: 48).

Others say "Sampoerna since a few years ago to fund the issuance of one national newspaper (Jurnas / National Journal), which became the political mouthpiece of the Party of SBY" (Haque 2009).

Allegations were not 100% wrong, but less accurate. For that, we must know the Sampoerna family figures who turn the wheels of the family economy, after selling 97% stake in PT HM Sampoerna to the U.S. transnational company, Altria Group, owner of U.S. cigarette manufacturer, Philip Morris, in 2005, costing about U.S. $ 2 billion or Rp 18.5 trillion.

Liem Seng Tee, who founded the cigarette factory in 1963 with his wife, Tjiang Nio, the company passed to his son, Aga Sampoerna (Liem Swie Ling), who was born in Surabaya in 1915. Aga Sampoerna company then handed it to her two children, Sampoerna, who was born in Surabaya, in 1937, and his brother, Putera Sampoerna, who was born in Amsterdam, October 13, 1947 (PDBI 1997: A-789 - A-796; Economic News , 18 to 31 May 2009: 43, 49).

After selling the Philip Morris cigarette factory, the Son left the management company at his youngest son, Michael Joseph Sampoerna, which has developed a new family holding company, Sampoerna Strategic, into various fields and countries.

For example, buy 20% stake in Israeli insurance company, Harel Investment Ltd. and the shares in a casino in London, and plans to open a million hectares of oil palm plantations in Sulawesi, teamed up with the group's Bosowa Aksa Mahmud, brother in law Jusuf Kalla (Investor, Ag.-3 Sept 21 . 2002: 19; Prospective, April 1, 2005: 48; Globe Asia, Ag. 2008: 52-53, Ag. 2009: 100-101).

But there is a relative and Boedi Sampoerna, who never use their family name. His name Sunaryo, a wealthy collector of paintings, which deal with the paper mill owned by the Sampoerna family Esa Paper in Singapore that is almost bankrupt, and was troubled with Bank Danamon.

According to sources the author, since it was first published in 2006, Sunaryo Sampoerna Group of funds flowing into PT Nusa Prime Media, publisher of National Journal newspaper in Jakarta.

The company has now developed into a group of print media is large enough, the Daily Journal of Bogor, meaning a monthly magazine, and Explo biweekly magazine. Possibly, this biweekly is publishing the company's main income source, as full of ads from airlines and oil and gas heavy equipment supporting oil and gas and mineral exploration.

Indirectly, bi-weekly Explo can be used as an indicator, the attitude of the Democratic Party - and perhaps also, Chairman of the Board Pembinanya - against state policies in the field of EMR.

For example in the establishment of a nuclear power plant (NPP), which seems very encouraged by the Editors Explo (see text Noor Cholis, "Muria nuclear power plant and the Ghosts of Chernobyl", in Explo, 16 to 31 October 2008, p.. 106, as well as news about Iran's nuclear power plants ready to operate, last September in the Explo, 1-15 April 2009, p.. 79).

Public leaders consecutive daily Jurnas held by Subroto Asto (2006-2007), Sonny (just a few months), and N Shamsuddin Ch. Haesy (2007 to present). The two leaders first general Doctorate degree from the IPB, and including the founder of the Brighton Institute with Yudhoyono.

During the first three years, there are two prime functionaries of PT Nusa Media appointed by the Sampoerna group, namely Ananta Ting Setiawan, as Leader of the Company, and Rainerius Taufik as Senior Finance Manager or Business Manager Main.

In the Trading License (original) Big Media Nusa PT Prime, issued by the Office of Industry and Trade of DKI Jakartam March 5, 2007, his name is listed as the owner and the responsible Director concurrently.

Meanwhile, the impression that the media companies is closely tied with the Democratic Party can not be avoided, with the seat

Ramadan Pohan, Head of Information Centre BAPPILU Democrat as Chief Editor of Daily National Journal and Meaning magazine, as well as Vice Chairman of the Board of Editors at the magazine Explo.

Prior to serving as Editor in Chief Jurnas, Ramadan Tree concurrently as Director of Public Opinion & Political Studies Blora Center, a think tank that brought SBY's Democratic Party to seat the first president.

Perhaps this is why, among political observers in Jakarta to suspect that funds are also flowing into the Sampoerna group Blora Center.

You see, before sunrise Jurnas, Blora Center publishes a bi-weekly tabloid Cabinet, which highlights the performance of members of the United Indonesia Cabinet. Meanwhile, Ramadan Pohan recently elected to the House of Representatives of the Democratic faction, representing the East Java Dapil VII (, 25 Febr. 2005; Dawn, June 21, 2005;, 14 October 2009).

Back to Jurnas group and its relationship with the Sampoerna Group, in 2008, Ting Ananta Setiawan resigned darijabatan Company Leader, who is now concurrently by the Superior General, N. Shamsuddin Haesy.

But the name Ananta Setiawan remain listed as a Leader Company, as a consequence of the Business License Media PT Nusa Perdana.

Ananta pullback Setiawan de facto occurred along with decreasing shares of Sampoerna in media companies, and the increasing role of Billy Murdiantoro Suwondo as the company's comptroller. BNI president director's wife, believed to be relatives of Mrs. Ani Yudhoyono (McBeth 2007).

How much funding has been injected into the Sampoerna Group Jurnas?

According to PT Media Business License issued by the Prime Nusa Office of Industry and Trade of DKI Jakarta, March 5, 2007, and the capital value of the company's net worth Rp 3 billion.

But that amount, just enough for a month daily issue of National Journal, the printing costs, salaries and other costs less than USD 2 billion a month. Means the cost of publishing the first year (2006), about USD 24 billion. The second year (2007), dropped to about Rp 20 billion, after newspapers and magazines published by Media PT Nusa Prime began to attract subscriptions and advertising.

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