Solve the Mystery experiment "God Particle"

>> Sunday, November 20, 2011

"Large Hadron Collider is a ring" particle accelerator "and" Atom-Smasher "giant custom-made by the Agency for European Nuclear Research (CERN) with a length of around 27 km depth pd who is located 175 meters below ground. Built between the French and Swiss border, the ring itself consists of 9300 superconducting magnet coils with a weight of tons of who strung together like sausage and then cooled to about 96 tonnes of liquid helium.
Until now the LHC project involves around 7000 org Particle Physicist (almost half of all particle physicists around the world) from 80 countries and has cost around USD 5.8 billion (approximately USD 53.3 trillion). And planned in August this machine starts up.

How it Works LHC are:


The LHC consists of two adjacent light pipe reply wherein each pipe containing a proton bunch who "ran" mengilingi main ring (27 km) in the opposite direction. Each group of protons was driven "by the LHC machine so that it can contain an energy of 7 trillion volts (7 TeV). At some point 4 2 pipeline would cross one another so that two groups of protons will collide with each other before dg total energy of 14 TeV and produces 600 million particles per second.

At the collision points mounted giant detectors that will record all fragments resultant super small particles in each collision. So big one is the construction of the detector can be used to build a new Eiffel Tower.

Large Hadron Collider was built to answer the biggest mysteries in the universe, namely:

How Can the Universe Shaped Like Up Now It Can?
Indeed, many scholars agree that the universe was formed by the events of "Big Bang" but they do not really understand how and why the universe can evolve as it is today. With the LHC machine can be known what happened [b] millionths of a second [/] after the big bang occurred.

The experts hope will be able to see the most exotic particle that is "Higg boson particle" or popularly called the "God Particle". They have alleged sdh own but experts also expect at what "unexpected".

What sorts of Our Universe is?
Many physicists who believe that our universe is not only composed of three-dimensional (space and time) as in what we understand today. Some even claim that the universe was actually there are 10 dimensions.

Where are the anti-matter?
Big Bang produce a "matter" (matter) and anti-matter with the same number, but we can only see the "material" only. What happened to the antimatter? With the LHC experiments could be studied who is almost no visible difference between the particles of matter and anti-material.

Why Particles Have Mass?
Light particle or photon has no mass. Whereas other substances such as elektronquarks particles have mass and the physicists do not know exactly why. and

Made From This Is Our Universe?
The experts know only 4% of the materials that make up our universe, while 96% is still a big mystery who is popularly called "Dark Energy".

The theory of "Super Symmetry" argue that all particles are created in the universe who has a 'super-partner "on its own. If the super-partners have the LHC will be able to detect and could possibly explain the greatest mystery of the universe - Dark Matter 'Particles Supersimetris ".

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