8 animals of the most famous prehistoric

>> Saturday, December 3, 2011

This is her eighth animal's most famous prehistoric ...


1. Triceratops
Name: Triceratops
Length: 9 m, height 3 m
Mass: 12 tons
Period: Late Cretaeceous (68 million years ago)
Eating: Plants

Triceratops means three-horned face in Greek. This animal has horns 1 m long by 2 pieces on top of his eye, and another shorter on the upper nose. Thing that most distinguishes this animal from other animals are capable of growing skull bones along the 2m, nearly a third of body length. This animal fossils found in the Americas. This animal is not expected in groups and individually. Serves as the horns of other Triceratops position against the current as well as deer (courtship). These animals are the object of considerable research favored by scientists because of the many fossils were found.

In addition to these hewn fossils are found, the animal is renowned for the eksotisannya, unique physical shape and impressed "friendly" to the community makes it a prehistoric animal icons which children loved.
(How exotic ga? The horned one hunted wrote a massive, horned let alone three?)

2. Mammoth
Name: Mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius)
Length: 5 meters (up to shoulder)
Mass: 12 tons
Period: Pliocene (4.8 jt years ago)
Eating: Plants (usually in the form of a tree)

Mammoth is the ancestor of the animals we are familiar with the name of the elephant, and has a 3.3 m long tusks that are used during a fight or frighten the enemy. Mammoth fossils are often found in good condition because the condition is still very low temperatures. Habitat mammoths are awful regions (Russia, Siberia, and surrounding areas). Mammoth woolled often called woolly elephant or elephant because of fur that protects his (who is able to make it survive in extreme temperatures).

3. Velociraptor
Name: Velociraptor
Length: 2 m, (height of the body when standing 1 m)
Mass: 50 kg
Period: End Cretaeceous
Eating: The animals are smaller than the size of his body

Velociraptor means of high-speed thief (speedy thief). Has 30 teeth long and sharp, flat beak, and neck shape like the letter "s". Moving with both legs (feet) it is strong, and small size, these animals have characteristics similar to the cheetah. However, raptors often hunt in groups of 3-10 tail raptor. Another characteristic of raptors (in addition to the two strong legs) is the capacity of his brain that is thought to have capabilities similar to chimpanzees (able to communicate with fellow raptors through specific sounds). Flight speeds reaching 40 miles per hour. Velociraptor fossils found in Russia, Mongolia, and China.

4. Pterodactyl
Name: Pterodactyl (pterosaurs)
Length: body when standing 3m, 10m wingspan reaches
Massa: -
Age: Triassic (65.5 million years ago)
Eating: Plants and small animals such as snakes and fish

Pterodactyl comes from a Greek word meaning winged lizard (winged lizards). This animal is famous for its long beak and a wide expanse of wings (more than 10 m). Researchers from Ohio University found that there is one part of the brain that distinguishes this animal with other vertebrate animals. Flocculi. The proportion of flocculi in the brains of pterosaurs reached 7.5%, and average vertebrates have only 1-2% of flocculi in the brain. This causes the vision Flocculi pterosaurs became much better. But a large proportion of this is caused more by a wide expanse of wings, because in addition associated with the eye muscles, flocculi also closely linked with sensory nerves work.

5. Smilodon
Name: Smilodon (Long-teeth cats)
Length: -
Mass: 55-300 kg
Period: Megantereon (2.5 million, 500,000 years ago)
Eating: plant-eating animals (bison, deer, etc..)

Smilodon or known as the saber-tooth cat comes from the Greek for tooth chisel, found in the Americas. The distinctive feature of this animal is on the long canine teeth (17 cm). Smilodon hunted in groups like lions today. However, the group is not dominated by males, because of his size the same as females. Long canine teeth that are not used to lure a partner, so the social life of the animal has not been widely known. Smilodon had a body more like a bear because the bear-like fur, and the abdomen is wide and short.

6. Temnodontosaurus
Name: Temnodontosaurus
Length: 9 m
Mass: 15 tons
Period: Early Jurassic (196 million years ago)
Eating: squid and small fish

Temnodontosaurus an underwater predator that has a stunning swimming stamina, which makes it able to swim up into the seabed to find prey. Fossils found in the waters of England and Germany. The distinctive feature of this animal is her large, 20 cm. This animal is similar to a dolphin moment, because of their long beaks and fins are flat.

7. Tyrannosaurus
Name: Tyrannosaurus rex
Length: 12 m, height 6 m
Mass: 7.5 tons
Period: Cretaeceous (68 million years ago)
Eating: plant-eating animals

Tyrannosaurus rex in greek language support means the cruel king lizard. Just like raptors, T-rex limbed two, neck resembles the letter "s", and has a tail as a counterweight movement. T-rex has a large skull (1.5 m) surrounded by muscle tissues stronger so that makes it able to easily chew their prey. These animals are found in the Americas and the continent of Asia (Tarbosaurus). Arm of this animal is quite small, only 1 m long and have not found the actual function of this arm. Recent research (April 2008) says that T-rex has a kinship with the birds, alligators, and ostrich. Although his body is large enough, T-rex has a lot of muscles that enable it to run with a speed of 40-70 km / h. Another capability of this animal is capable smell the smells of the great distances that can compared with the vultures at this time. Until now is still a debate whether the T-rex actually scavengers or animals that hunt.

8. Coelacanth
Name: coelacanth (Latimeria chalumnae)
Length: 2 m
Mass: 80 kg
Period: mid-Devonian (410 jt years ago)
Eating: squid and small fish

Coelacanth derived from the Greek word which means hollow spine (thorn / spine sloping) believed to have gone extinct since the Cretaceous era. But the surprising discoveries continue to arrive over the discovery of this animal in the waters of Tanzania, Madagascar, Kenya, and Indonesia, precisely Bunaken National Marine Park. Although these animals die after being arrested fishermen, it is believed these animals still exist and live in deep water (> 700 m). Coelacanth including one of a living fossil because it almost did not change significantly in these animals physically from time to time.

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