Meat-eating crickets from the age of dinosaurs

>> Wednesday, December 7, 2011

A predatory insect fossils from the age of dinosaurs recently found in a layer of limestone that lies in the northern region of Brazil. This insect is carnivorous insect-eating meat that comes from 100 million years ago. Crickets ancestors lived in the Cretaceous period, just before the supercontinent of Gondwana (the supercontinent that included Africa, South America, Australia, India, Arab, and Antarctica at this time) split.


As quoted from the website LiveScience, he comes from the genus Schizodactylus or oblique-legged crickets. Genus Schizodactylus include crickets that exist today, grasshopper, and the animals named Katydid. "This name they received in accordance with the legs at their disposal that allow them to warpage and support their bodies in a sandy habitat to hunt their prey," said Sam Heads, Chairman of the researchers who discovered the fossil. When hunting, Heads said, the species is actually not using a particular strategy. This fat-bodied insects come out at night combing their habitat to find prey. "They can move quickly when needed ... and they are quite voracious," said Sam, who comes from Illinois University.

At least, he has differences with the crickets that exist today. With a length of about 6 cm from the head to the back of his body, he has a rather strange posture. Antennae longer than its body. Crickets also has wings and legs curled sharp like snowshoes. According to the Heads, is to support it can still be planted in sandy areas. However, this very aggressive cricket can not fly despite having wings. Wings, says Heads usually only be expanded when needed. In general, Heads said, cricket is not so much evolved or have periods of 'evolutionary stasis' for at least 100 million years.
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10 strange phenomenon that occurs in the human mind

10. Deja vu

de javu

Deja vu is a certain kind of experience will be an ongoing thing where you have experienced it or seen it before the new situation - you feel as though the event has occurred or is being repeated.
The experience is usually accompanied by strong feelings such as are familiar with and a feeling of horror, foreign, or strange. Experience "previously" is usually associated with dreams, but occasionally there is a definite feeling that it's already happened in the past.

9. Deja Vecu
Deja vecu (Read Deya vay-koo) is what is experienced by many people when they think they are experiencing deja vu. Deja vu is the feeling of having seen something before, whereas déjà vecu is the experience of having seen an event before,
but only in great detail - such as recognizing smells and sounds. It is also usually accompanied by an intense feeling for knowledge something that will come later. Experience that has ever happened - not only know what's coming next - but also able to tell people around what is to come, and usually it is true. This is very strange and sensations that can not be
is described.

8. Deja visite
Deja visite is an experience that few people experience in which involves a knowledge of magic going somewhere new. For example, you may never know the trails in a new city, you want to attend or view though never been there before, and you believe it is impossible to have
knowledge about it. If Deja visite of geographic relationships and space, while Deja Vecu is about the events of the time. Nathaniel Hawthorne wrote about an experience like this in his book "Our Old Home" where he visited a ruined castle and have complete knowledge about the floor plan layout. He was then able to trace the experience in a
poem written by Alexander Pope had read several years later. The poem describes the state of the fort was accurately exactly as he knows.

7. Deja inches
Deja inches is the phenomenon of something ever felt. It is exclusively a mental phenomenon and seldom settle in your mind after that. In the words of the people after the experience is: "What is of concern is what has been observed previously, and was already known, but was forgotten for a while, and now feel satisfied as if it had been recalled. Ability
remember it always starts with the voice of others, or by the words of my own mind, or with what I read and the words of the soul. I think as long as the situation is not normal I speak in general a few simple sentences such as Oh, yes. I understand, of course, I remember, and others, only one or two minutes later I can recall it all, with no need of words and thoughts expressed by the tongue to create memories. I just get that feeling is similar to what has been felt before in such abnormal conditions.
You think just saying it, but you also realize that in fact did not utter a word.

6. Jamais Vu
Jamais vu (never seen) is described as a situation had never known but can not recognize.
It is often regarded as the opposite of deja vu and induce a feeling of horror and fear. You do not recognize a situation even though you know rationally that you've been in that situation before. Generally it can be explained when one person does not recognize a few moments, words, or a place that is actually already knew. It makes people believe that the Jamais vu is a kind of symptom of brain fatigue.

5. Presque Vu
Presque vu is often expressed with the words, "seemed to have at the tip of the tongue" - is a strong feeling that you will get a hint or inspiration of what is forgotten, but it never came. The term "presque vu" means "close look". Sensation of presque vu can greatly disrupt the feelings and thoughts, and often people had gone to bed he made.

4. L esprit de l'Escalier
L'esprit de l'escalier (staircase jokes at home) is the sense to think of a clever children when it was too late to be submitted. The expression can be used to describe the children are quick to insult, or any of your comments smart and witty, although his arrival was no longer useful terlambatdan likened us to think when it was on the stairs to leave an event.
A word of German treppenwitz used for the same purpose. The closest expression in English to describe this situation is "being wise after the event or to be wise after the event.
The event is usually accompanied by feelings of regret for not thought of before to give an immediate reply comments as needed. But it might be wise if we think that it might be merunyamkan response relationship. God menyintai who are patient and refrain.

3. Capgras Delusion
Capgras delusion is the phenomenon where a person believes that a close friend or family has changed its identity as a fraud. This is related to the ancient belief that babies have been stolen and replaced by a fairy child kidnapper in the fairy tales in medieval times, as well as a modern fantasy about aliens or aliens who take over the body of the people on earth to be their allies.
This delusion is found most commonly in patients with diseased souls, but did not rule it also has messed your mind.

2. Fregoli Delusion
Fregoli Delusion is a rare brain phenomenon, in which a person believes that people who are different, are really the same person in disguise. It is often associated with paranoia and the belief that the person posing it is trying to persecute him. The condition is named after the Italian actor, Leopoldo Fregoli which is famous for its ability to transform themselves rapidly during his acting appearances. The first report in 1927 in a case study on a 27-year-old woman who believes she is being persecuted by two actors who are often seen in a theater. He believed that these people are "constantly chasing him with a shapeshifter like the people he knew.

1. Prosopagnosia
Prosopagnosia is a phenomenon in which a person is unable to recognize faces of people or objects that should have been known. People who experience this disorder are usually able to use any other feeling to recognize the people, like the smell of perfume person, form or style of hair, voice, or even their gait. A classic case of this mess was published in a book published in 1998 and
never displayed in the form of Michael Nyman opera titled "The Man Who mistook his wife for a hat or a person who mistakenly be his wife because of his hat.
We have some experience of feeling, which comes to us for a moment, from what we say, done after the said or done before, in a long time ago - from the things around us, in the form of the past, with the faces of the same , objects, and circumstances - of our perfect knowledge of what will be said later, as if we suddenly remember it! - Charles Dickens
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Chinese archaeologists found the tomb of emperor of Cao Cao

>> Saturday, December 3, 2011

Previously we only knew him through the famous novel "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" or the movie blockbuster "Red Cliff". This time, General Cao Cao's mighty resurfaced after Chinese archaeologists announced that they may have found the tomb of the legendary leader. Burial complex discovered an estimated age of about 1,800 years and believed to be the final resting place of Cao Cao, a general and a leader in intelligent the 3rd century that often featured in folk tales as a cunning politician.

tomb of emperor of Cao Cao

The complex was found in a village near the town Xigaoxue Anyang, Henan Province, and has an area of ​​8000 square feet. In it there is 130 foot long tunnel that led to an underground chamber. According to historians, military and political intelligence Cao Cao has made it able to build a state of Wei is regarded as the strongest and most prosperous country in China during the three kingdoms period (208-280 AD) during which China was divided into three different areas. In the tomb were found the bodies of two women and a man and more than 250 relics during the excavation that lasted one year later.

Man's body was identified as a man in his 60s. While the two women's bodies an estimated age of 50s and 20s. According to experts, the man's body was Cao Cao, who died in the year 220 AD at the age of 65 years. While the bodies of two other women alleged consort and servant. Inside the cemetery was also discovered rock paintings featuring the social life of Cao Cao's society. Then found also a stone tablet that contains carvings of sacrificial objects and some other items that are considered as private property Cao Cao.

Previously, a stone tablet bearing the "King Wu of Wei", which is the title given to Cao Cao after he died, had been stolen from the tomb, but the authorities managed to get it back. "Plate of stone bearing the title is the strongest evidence we have that the tomb belonged to Cao Cao." Said Liu Qingzhu, archaeologists from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. "We believe there is no single person can have a bearing relics of Cao Cao in a tomb that much, except, of course the tomb of Cao Cao's own property."

Cao Cao who we know through books and movies are the last leader of the eastern Han dynasty before eventually forming his own country during the period of political turmoil during the three kingdoms. He died in 220 AD in Luoyang, a city in eastern han dynasty and bestowed the title of emperor of Wei, which he founded. His father was the adopted son of the chief eunuch in the royal court and Cao was a commander of a small army before he was appointed director-general after successfully putting down the rebellion that threatens the kingdom of Han.

Cao Cao featuring characters are often portrayed as a wily brat famous in the novel "Romance of The Three Kingdoms". This crafty character is so well known in China that even be a saying that reads "If you talk about Cao Cao, Cao Cao then will come". Aside from being a general, Cao Cao is also known as a poet. Tombs were discovered by accident in December 2008 when a worker was digging near the Kilin mud to make bricks. The discovery was not reported to the government and local officials only learned of the discovery that when a stone slab bearing the title of Cao Cao seized from a tomb raider.
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2010 January will occur three wonders of astronomy since thousands of years

New Year's Day 2010, during the New Year is a partial lunar eclipse will happen, the astronomers said this is the first event since thousands of years. In addition, in the first 15 days of the New Year, people can still see the meteor shower, and will see the magical scenery of a rare solar eclipse since thousands of years.

wonders of astronomy

According to the South East Express newspaper, Xiaoqing Pan Deputy Secretary General of the Astronomical Society of Fujian Province said that 2009 to 2010, moon, earth and sun coincide three planets moving into a position that allows the occurrence of the phenomenon of the heavens, so that within two years some of the wonders of astronomy will occur. In addition, he has done wonders astronomical observations and providing warnings and guidance relevant.

Views of the lunar eclipse on January 1

Partial eclipse will occur this month from 02:51 hours until at 3:22 on January 1, reaching maximum eclipse, at 3:54 would end, the whole process will last one hour.

Observation Guidelines: when it saw an eclipse of the moon without the need for measures to reduce light, provided the weather is good, can see it directly using the naked eye. Need to be reminded that in one hour before the eclipse, because the earth's shadow covers the moon, moonlight will dim, not bright as before the existence of the Earth's shadow. After more than an hour at the end of the eclipse of the moon, it will also happen the same thing. "At this moment photography lovers need to enlarge the exposure time."

Meteor shower occurs on January 3

When finished watching "the dog ate the sky the Moon", then people also can enjoy a meteor shower of the ancient constellations. Like the star constellation draco Quadrantids are adjacent to which is rarely mentioned. On January 3 at 20:00 - 24:00, predicted in the existing constellation of short blasts of intense meteor shower. During this time, the peak traffic reached 120 grains per hour.

Observation Guidelines: In the period of explosive meteor shower, meteor shower expected number in the tens to hundreds of grains per hour. It is recommended that observers go a long way from town, away from all kinds of artificial light sources, stopped at the outskirts of town on the north peak to calculate the number of stars.

Ring eclipse of the sun on January 15

On January 15 there is still one more time a solar eclipse. This is a solar eclipse that ring the first time since 22 years in China, also is the longest solar eclipse of the rings in the world for 1,000 years. In China, who first saw the eclipse of the sun ring is Yunnan Province, and Guizhou, Sichuan, Chongqing, Hunan, Shaanxi, Hubei, Henan, Anhui, Jiangsu, Shandong Peninsula last sunset, a total of more than 11 provinces and cities. Because the ring is very broad, the continuance is also very old, very rare.

Complex changes in the phenomenon of sky no doubt will provide an excellent research topic for astronomers. Moreover, viewed from the records of ancient books, changes in natural phenomena is closely related to changes in the human race.

In the Chinese Book of Changes "Yi Jin" said, "The sky depends on the phenomenon, good or bad luck, like the saints depends on it."

"We look at astronomy, in order to detect changes in a different time."

Ancient people thought "the sky and human worth," "Heaven and Man united," by observing the change of sky phenomena can infer what will happen to mankind. If human beings follow the changes in the sky, "the sky" is a symbol of good luck, in the human world must have abundant harvests, good weather, rain and wind normal, quiet and peaceful society. When human behavior contrary to the sky, doing bad things, "the sky" will give a bad omen, the earth will dry less rain, floods, riots, rebellions occurred and others.
Therefore, the ancient people very concerned about the phenomenon of sky observations.
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10 Most Beautiful Women Producing Countries

Based on this study of world opinion as well as travelers on the public internet and bring you into the Top Ten World Cities With The Most Beautiful Woman?. Every city on this list contains ample supply of beautiful women, you might want to ask your parent or spouse to enjoy the atmosphere of the city on your next vacation, these cities could be an inspiration. All the cities around the world are selected based on:
  • Quality of women
  • Number of Women per men ratio
  • Ease of women talking


1. Stockholm, Sweden

It was every woman in Stockholm are all beautiful. Women here are also very educated and friendly. All women can speak English with English accents, so there are no barriers to communication. This woman can make you feel happy with every possible way. Sweden is a country that should be visited in the coming holidays.

2. Copenhagen, Denmark

DiKopenhagen? S possible that you will more often find the most women you will ever meet. In addition, these women sexual attraction is greater than the sexual in other cities around the world. They all, works in all places and always ready to go to a local bar for a drink. In Copenhagen, during the trip, you will melihata with your own eyes how the women do aktivitasnya.suasana town calm and collective, and this will be a phenomenal trip.

3. Buenos Aires, Argentina

Buenos aires unlike any other city. This is one of the most remarkable cities in the Western Hemisphere. The city has many natural resources and the women the pretty ones are not like other cities. Women from buenos aires a beautiful, friendly women with their stunning bodies. Nearly every women in Buenos Aires is a model who is always waiting to be discovered, by you of course!

4. Varna, Bulgaria

Many of you may not know much about Bulgaria, most of you probably do not know where it is Bulgaria. Bulgaria is a country with no drug laws, cheap vodka, mechanical bulls on the beach, and some of the most beautiful Waterslide in the world. This land has cafes with inflatable furniture, thongs and g-string you can see everywhere when you melongokan your head, you can see pretty girls wearing only panties sunbathing on every beach. In addition, women here are good and have high intelligence, and they are always careful with their bodies. The most important is the beauty of Bulgaria and female-female beauty will always be found in this city. Plan your trip today to Varna?

5. Los Angeles, California

How much can be said about LA girls? Women in LA are women who are most different from the women you've ever seen. All the beauty of their women-Americans here, this is a cool place, people come to live, work, & try to? Be?. This is where the Beach Boys ever told in the song California Dreamin.

6. Moscow, Russia

Moscow is the capital of Russia which is home of some of the best women in the world, in the Moscow subway that cantik.perempuan in moscow live with the regularity of tall, blond, blue-eyed woman who makes it so great, but also amazing is level of hospitality that you will temukan.yang unique, the first experience, you will be surprised to meet women moscow streets, so beautiful and you will ask him out, if you're rejected, do not worry because you will find other women who are not less beautiful.

7. Caracas, Venezuela

Caracas is the capital Venezuela.Venezuela Miss Universe is the country with most of the world, from here aja we will know that Venezuela is the country that has many beautiful women. Women of Caracas are very beautiful and similar to women brasil. I speak honestly, when you talk to women Caracas, they always have a lot of time and has said a friendly word and jaunty, you can also smell it as much as you want, really fun when you travel to Venezuela.

8. Montreal, Canada

The most beautiful place is french, but the most convenient is canada, Montreal is one of the best cities in the world that is filled with beautiful women. Many universities and colleges, and many women with different styles are very concerned about their body shape. One of the best part is that all women speak French commonly known as the language of love. I highly recommend you take a trip to Montreal.

9. Tel Aviv, Israel

Israel is one place to find the best woman in the world. Maybe it's about something that is quite attractive green-eyed in particular. It should be noted that in Israel women over the age of 18 are required for mandatory in the military, this of course means that they are very good in martial arts, and perhaps only he biusa kick you like a donkey.

10. Amsterdam, Holland

Of course Amsterdam must be included in the list. This city has particularly many women are more beautiful with a lainnya.Perempuan dibandingkna Dutch remarkable in many ways, they are very trendy, comfortable, they are also fun, and they are very beautiful.
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6 Interesting Facts About Spongebob

1. Mr. Krabs know right? He is the boss of Spongebob on burgers Kraby Pathy. The story, after the war, Mr. Krabs into a deep depression. Then he bought a retirement home, The Rusty Krab. Through hard work and all the effort, the Krusty Krab recovered and became the most popular burger shop under the sea. Below: Pictures At still named Rusty Krab


2. According to the episode "Sleepy Time": Mr. Krabs age was 62 years his driver's license number: A5265661 Date of birth: 30 November 1942 Address: 3541 Anchor Way, Bikini Bottom He's got a pet named Mr. Doodles

3. SpongeBob is the date of birth: July 14, 1986. So now the age of Spongebob is nearly 19 years. Driving License (SIM) has appeared in the episode "Sleepy Time" and "No Free Rides." In the two episodes that his driver's license number is A1356021 SpongeBob Address is: 124 Conch St. bikini Bottom

4. SpongeBob, Stephen Hillenberg cartoon creation is designed for ages two to eleven years. However, the fact the film was also siphon adult viewers ages 18 to 50 years. A survey in Britain showed that 40 percent of one million viewers SpongeBob aged over 16 years.

5. Spongebob originator, Stephen Hillenberg, never studies in marine resources at the University of Humboldt, California. Hillenberg also taught marine biology at Orange County Marine Institute, California and then take the master's program in experimental animation at the Art Institute of California. Experience and hobby that gave birth to the cartoon SpongeBob SquarePants in 1996.

6. Nickelodeon SpongeBob is a company that produces under the Viacom umbrella MTV.Belakangan SpongeBob who also made ​​wide-screen version of an indicator that the film has a worldwide market.
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Worst Technology Predictions

Even great men can be wrong in making a statement. Especially when they make predictions about future conditions. Recently the T3 gadget magazine sort the list of people who predict the future of technology, but it proved completely wrong. Who are they?


Microsoft founder Bill Gates, to be one of them. Men who had just retired this year from Microsoft was indeed often makes controversial predictions. But, 'sin' is toughest is when in 1981, he predicted that none of those who will require more computer memory capacity of 640 KB.

In fact, almost all computers today provides the memory capacity of at least 512 megabytes, or nearly one thousand times more than predicted Gates. Not only that, T3 also catenate 'sin' next Bill Gates, while at the World Economic Forum 2004 said that, "two years from now the problem of spam would be solved,".

So, from now on do not necessarily believe in the predictions of people, even from people who are famous.

List of Worst Technology Predictions of All Time

1. iPod will be finished - Sir Alan Sugar, the British billionaire (2005)

2. No need to use a computer at home - Ken Olsen, founder of Digital Equipment Corp. (1977)

3. "Nuclear-powered vacuum cleaners will probably be realized in the next ten years" - Alex Lewyt, President of Lewyt Corp. (vacuum cleaner company)

4. "TV will not last because people will soon get bored staring at the wooden box every night" - Daryl Zanuck (1946)

5. "There will be no bigger aircraft (Boeing 247)" - Boeing engineer, shortly after the first flight of Boeing 247 is capable of loading 10 people (1933)

6. "We are now in the border rocket mail (mail that is sent via rocket)" - U.S. Postmaster General (DG kind to the United States Postal) Sumerfield Arthur (1959)

7. No one will require more computer memory than 640 MB - Bill Gates (1981)

8. "The United States does need a phone. But the English did not need it, we've got a lot of energy transmitter of letters "- Sir Milliam Preece, chief engineer of the British Post Office (1878)

9. Spam problem will be resolved within two years - Bill Gates (2004)

10. "The X-rays will prove to be only a hoax" - Lord Kevin,
President of the Royal Society (1883)
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